adult bed bugs

An infestation of bed bugs in Kansas City requires the assistance of a pest professional and is not something a homeowner can handle on their own.

Bed Bugs In Kansas City Homes: What Happens If I Ignore Them?

June 22, 2021

If you suspect bed bugs in Kansas City, Milberger Pest Control is here to help. Bed bugs can be difficult to identify and even harder to get rid of. Ignore them at your peril, however. The longer they go untreated, the more severe the problem will become. The infestation is likely to spread to your…

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Bed bugs are extremely small and can be difficult to identify, but it is a myth that they are invisible to the naked eye.

Can You See Bed Bugs With The Naked Eye?

April 27, 2021

Bed bugs are extremely small and can be difficult to identify, but it is a myth that they are invisible to the naked eye. The adults of the species are about the size of an apple seed. The nymphs can be as small as a pinhead and are lighter in color, and thus more difficult…

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Bed bugs Kansas City are real and Milberger Pest Control can help get rid of them.

Bed Bugs Kansas City Aren’t A Myth – They’re Real And Have Resurged In The Area

November 26, 2019

Are bed bugs Kansas City a myth? Bed bugs in Kansas City have recently experienced a resurgence and have become a real nuisance for Kansas City hotels, college dorms, cruise ships, hospitals, nursing homes, homes and apartments. They’ve even been found on public transportation, such as buses, commuter trains and airplanes. And, they’ve been found…

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