Call Exterminator In Kansas City Milberger Pest Control To Deal With Ants

Milberger Pest Control is an exterminator in Kansas City that can eliminate ants in your home or business. As the weather gets colder, ants often move inside looking for better conditions. They are looking for a winter residence with food, moisture, shelter, and favorable temperatures. 

Ants are cold-blooded, so they require warmth in the winter to stay alive. Your home is a fantastic shelter for this purpose. It’s temperate and provides all the food and moisture they’ll need to survive the cold months. You may not realize you have an infestation, though, even if hundreds of ants have moved into your home. 

Ant activity indoors generally decreases in winter, but observing ants swarmers or foragers during the cold weather months may indicate that an ant colony exists somewhere inside the home or business. In this scenario, exterminators in Kansas City often find ants located somewhere in an inner house wall, in door and window frames, or other hidden places. These hiding places can include under, around or inside the home’s slab, floors, cabinets, appliances, or any accumulation of debris that serves as preferred and well-protected nesting habitats.

Ants come inside for warmth, but food sources like the plants and grains they enjoy in spring and summer are also scarce in the winter. For this reason, they may venture into your personal space in search of food. To discourage ants from inviting themselves in, keep your countertops clean and wipe up any crumbs that fall on the floor. Also, keep pet food sealed to avoid attracting ants.

As soon as the weather is warm enough, ants will emerge from their shelter and get back to work. If you had an infestation but didn’t know it because the insects were hibernating, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise come spring.

Milberger Pest Control is an exterminator in Kansas City that can eliminate ants in your home or business.

The first wave of workers will leave the nest in search of food. If they find it outside, they’ll come back to report the news and hopefully nest closer to the source. If they find enough food in your home, however, the ants may not move from the security of your walls or floors until the environment can no longer sustain them.

Should ants become established indoors, whether in the warm or cool months of the year, it is often very difficult to get them under control. Therefore, it may be advisable to contact an exterminator in Kansas City like Milberger Pest Control as soon as you observe ant swarmers or ants foraging for food. We will conduct an inspection and prepare a science-based ant management plan that is tailored to your situation.

One other good reason to seek the expertise and help of an exterminator in Kansas City is that the swarm you see may not be ants at all. It could be termites instead. Milberger Pest Control takes termite control very seriously. While most companies are only certified in one termite control system, we specialize in two – Sentricon and Termidor, giving you a choice between two great options. 

For more information about ants and pest control, call the best exterminator in Kansas City Milberger Pest Control at (816) 761-1313 in Missouri and (913) 384-6760 in Kansas, or click here to request your free inspection.