Bedbugs in Kansas City are one of the toughest and most annoying infestations to deal with because once they are established in a home, they are difficult to eliminate. You can avoid the headache by following these 5 tips for avoiding an infestation. 1) Inspect furniture and other items before you bring them home. Thoroughly…
Read MoreBedbugs in Kansas City are common pests, and they are accomplished hitchhikers. They can move from an infested area to a new location on bedding, furniture, boxes, clothing, and luggage. The EPA recommends a few ways to keep them from getting into your home. Bedbugs In Kansas City Love Clutter Clutter serves as an ideal…
Read MoreWondering if there are bedbugs in your home can be stressful to say the least. If you wake up with itchy areas you didn’t have when you went to sleep, it is certainly a possibility – particularly if you got a used bed or other used furniture around the time the bites started. Bedbugs may…
Read MoreBedbugs in Kansas City are one of the toughest and most annoying infestations to deal with, because once they are established in a home, they are difficult to eliminate. You can avoid the headache by following these 10 tips for preventing or averting an infestation. 1) Clean up clutter. The more cluttered an area, the…
Read MoreThere is a common misconception that bed bugs in Kansas City are only found in cheap, dirty hotels or hostels. This is not true! In fact, bed bugs prefer cleaner environments, and they do not discriminate between budget accommodations and luxury properties. Milberger Pest Control can identify and eliminate bed bugs in Kansas City if…
Read MoreWhen it comes to bedbugs, Kansas City has a problem. You may find bedbugs in Kansas City homes, apartments, dorms, nursing homes, hotels, and even cars and trucks. They travel from one area to another on furniture, luggage, boxes, clothing, or other fabric pieces like curtains, blankets, and linens. Their flattened bodies make it possible…
Read MoreBedbugs are a serious problem in Kansas City, and myths about them abound. Milberger Pest Control is here to bust those myths and eradicate your trouble with bedbugs. Myth 1: Bedbugs only live on beds. The name “bedbugs” is misleading. They prefer to be close to heat and blood sources, but they can be found…
Read MoreAmericans and bedbugs travel during the holidays. These unwanted guests might be traveling with your family and friends. The holidays bring visitors and well-wishers into your home: family members from out of town, college students back home for the holidays, neighbors stopping by with gifts or treats, and children playing with friends over the winter…
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